Outdoor Summer Movies and Drive-In Theaters in Northeast Ohio

Outdoor Summer Movies and Drive-In Theaters in Northeast Ohio

Drive in movie theaters in ohio

Pack up the family — plus chairs, blankets and snacks — and enjoy a movie under the stars this summer. Find a drive-in theater or an outdoor flick from the list below.

Know Before You Go:

-Check the event organizer’s website for information about what you’re allowed to bring onto the property such as food, drinks and adult beverages. You may also want to look into their pet policy to see if your furry family members are allowed to come.

-Arrive early! There may be entertainment such as live music going on before the movie starts. Some families play card games or throw a ball around before the movie. Glow sticks are also fun for small children.

-Familiarize yourself with how to adjust your vehicle’s audio settings and automatic lights. Drive-ins require you run the movie audio from your vehicle’s speakers. You can also tune into a portable FM radio. Vehicle lights are not allowed on during the movie.

-Some places may require advanced reservations, registration or allow you to reserve a premier viewing spot

Things to pack for a drive-in or outdoor movie:

  • Chairs (portable lawn chairs or low beach chairs work well)
  • Sweatshirts or jackets
  • Blankets and pillows
  • Pajamas (great for small children who will fall asleep midway through or on the drive home)
  • Bug repellent
  • Drinks and snacks *(some drive-ins may charge a fee if you bring your own food)
  • Portable FM radio, portable Bluetooth speaker to run additional audio
  • Portable battery charger
  • Glow sticks, easy outdoor lawn games, card games, football or soccer ball
  • Cash for concession stand goodies or food trucks
  • Small trash bag
  • Napkins and baby wipes for messy hands
  • Flash light
  • Other: air mattress for a truck bed, air loungers, tarp (if grass is damp)

Drive-In Theaters Around Northeast Ohio

Aut-O-Rama Twin Drive-In Theatre: Make a visit to “the drive-in” a part of your summer tradition. Check their website for weekly movie lineup and start times. 33395 Lorain Road, North Ridgeville, 440-327-9595, autoramadrivein.com

Blue Sky Drive-in: Check their website for weekly movie lineup and start times. 959 Broad St., Wadsworth, 330- 334-1809, blueskydrive-in.com


Elm Road Drive–in Theatre: Check their website for weekly movie lineup and start times. 1895 Elm Road NE, Warren, elmroadtripledrivein.com

Magic City Drive-in Theatre: Check their website for weekly movie lineup and start times. 5602 S. Cleveland-Massillon Road, Barberton, magiccitydrive-in.com

Mayfield Road Drive-in Theatre: Check their website for weekly movie lineup and start times. 12100 SR 322 Chardon, funflick.com

Midway Twin Drive-in Theatre: Check their website for weekly movie lineup and start times. 2736 State Route 59, Ravenna, funflick.com

Skyway Drive-in Theatre: Check their website for weekly movie lineup and start times. 1825 North Leavitt Road NW, Warren, skywaydrivein.com 

Lynn Auto Drive-in Theatre, State Routes 21 & 25o, Strasburg, lynndrivein.com/


2024 Outdoor Movies Around Northeast Ohio

Crocker Park

Crocker ParkMovies in the Park. Catch a fantastic lineup of family-friendly classics and new releases. Thursday evenings in July and August. 8-11 p.m. Union Square Lawn, Crocker Park. 189 Crocker Park Blvd., Westlake, crockerpark.com

  • July 11: Migration (PG)
  • July 18: Wonka (PG)
  • July 25: The Marvels (PG-13)
  • Aug. 1: Barbie (PG-13)
  • Aug. 8: Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie (PG)
  • Aug. 15: The Little Mermaid (2023) (PG)
  • Aug. 22: Grease (PG)
  • Aug .29: Kung Fu Panda 4 (PG)

Hudson “Screen on the Green” – Free movie showings for families to enjoy!

Hudson Screen on the Green

Bring your blankets and chairs; movie will begin at dusk! First & Main Green, Hudson. hudson.oh.us/calendar

  • July 13- Top Gun Maverick
  • August 24- Barbie

Lakewood Friday Night Flick in the Park – Join us for a free movie in the park. Movies will be shown at Lakewood Park and begin at dusk. Please bring blankets and lawn chairs. 9-11 p.m. lakewoodoh.gov/

  • July 12- Trolls Band Together
  • July 26- Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie
  • August 9 – Wonka (at Madison Park)


Hall of Fame Movies Nights– Hall of Fame Village in Canton hosts weekly movie events, taking place every Thursday evening throughout the summer. Gates opening at 6 p.m. to allow guests to partake in pre-movie activities such as riding the 125-foot-tall “Red Zone” Giant Wheel, “The Forward Pass” zipline and a 40-foot drop tower called “Spike It.” Attendees are encouraged to bring their own blankets and chairs, enhancing the cozy atmosphere for family movie night.Hall of Fame Village, Canton. hofvillage.com/events

Hall of Fame Village
  • July 11: Up
  • July 18: Back to the Future
  • July 25: A Christmas Story
  • August 8: Little Giants
  • August 15: Freaky Friday

Outdoor Movies at Coe Lake Park. Bring your own chair or blanket and watch a movie under the stars on a 30 ft. inflatable screen. Coe Lake Park, 85 South Rocky River Drive, Berea,  cityofberea.org

  • July 20- “Wonka.” Face painting, costume characters, food vendors, bubbles. music & more! 7- 11 p.m. Movie starts at 9:30
  • August 6 – “Trolls Band Together.” National Night Out. 6-11 p.m. Movie Starts at 9:15.

Flicks on the Falls. Located in the riverfront amphitheater, these free summer events begin at 6:30. The movie starts as dusk.  Falls River Square, Cuyahoga Falls, downtowncf.com/flixonthefalls

  • July 12:  RIO-Brazil Night. Featuring live music, dancers, mobile zoo, food trucks, inflatables and more!
  • July 26th: The Sound of Music-themed event!! This event is geared towards all ages, with adults and seniors encouraged to attend! Community Band Concert, photo opportunities, themed activities, and food all before the outdoor showing of the movie.

Willoughby Outdoor Movie Nights. Join us at 6:30 pm on the lawn next to Willoughby Library for movie night. willoughbyohio.com/event/outdoor-movie-night/

  • July 15- Bad Guys
  • August 13- Wish

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