

Northeast Ohio Parent is on the airwaves with its podcast series “aParently Speaking” hosted by Miriam Conner. Several times a month new episodes will be released that go beyond the pages of the magazine to expand on relevant, enriching, and humorous topics including some fascinating guests from the greater Cleveland area and beyond.

Simply click on the links below to start listening. New episodes will be posted here and also pushed out through our weekly e-newsletter and Facebook platforms. You can also subscribe via iTunes, Google Podcast and others.

If you have comments, suggestions, or questions please reach out to podcast host Miriam Conner at [email protected]. Thanks for listening!

Current Sponsors:

Mazda of Kent


Podcast #103: School Life Balance

On the latest episode of aParently Speaking, host Miriam Conner is joined by licensed clinical psychologist Dr. Nicole Pucci to discuss transitioning back to school and getting into the routine as well as school-life balance and the importance of making sure you kids have balance. Listen as Dr. Pucci shares some tips that apply to all ages and stages.
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Podcast #102: Online Games May Not Be All Fun and Games

On the latest episode of aParently Speaking, host, Miriam Conner is joined by Ron Kerbs, CEO of, Kidas is an anti-cyberbullying and predator protection tech company to discuss how kids can be targeted by predators and financial scammers while gaming and what parents can do to help prevent this from happening.
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Podcast #101: The Importance of Legal Documents

On the latest episode of aParently Speaking, host Miriam Conner is joined by attorney, John Wood, to talk about some very important documents every parent should discuss with their 18-year-olds.
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Podcast # 100: Social Media Parental Notification Act

On the 100th episode of aParently Speaking, host Miriam Conner welcomes back Lt. Gov. of Ohio, Jon Husted. Husted discusses the Social Media Parental Notification Act. Listen to learn what this means for you and your children and why this is an important step in helping to safeguard your children online.
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Podcast #99 Parenting with Confidence

On the latest episode of aParently Speaking, host Miriam Conner is joined by Vanessa Kahlon to discuss her book "How to do Parenting with Confidence." Kahlon discusses topics such as using powerful “one-liners" for those challenging parenting moments, trying out under-reactions when situations occur and more.
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Podcast #98 How to Be the Parent Your Teenager Needs You to Be

On the latest episode of aParently Speaking, host Miriam Conner is joined by Jim White, author of "How to Be the Parent Your Teenager Needs You to Be." White discusses his book and provides tips on better ways to parent your teen.
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Podcast #97: Baby 411

On the latest episode of aParently Speaking, host Miriam Conner is joined by nationally renowned pediatrician and author, Dr. Ari Brown. Brown shares her insight on baby topics such as sleeping, eating, milestones, bonding, screen time and much more.
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Podcast #96: The Collapse of Parenting

On the latest episode of aParently Speaking, host Miriam Conner is joined by Leonard Sax, MD,PhD to discuss his book The Collapse of Parenting. Sax discusses a major shift that has occurred in American culture: the transfer of authority from parents to children and the consequences it has.
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Podcast #95 Reading for Our Lives

On the latest episode of aParently Speaking, host Miriam Conner is joined by author Maya Smart. Listen as Smart discusses tools for raising fluent readers and to connect people of all ages to great books and authors.
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Podcast #94: Peaceful Parenting

On the latest episode of aParently Speaking, host Miriam Conner is joined by guest Kive Schuler to discuss her new book, "The Peaceful Parenting Revolution: Changing the World by Changing the Way We Parent."
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