We all know a lot about babies, don’t we? There are a lot of different facts that are circulating about babies all of the time, and most people tend to know quite a bit about them. What to give them, how to look after them, how to change them and so on. It’s all the basics that we all know, right? But, there are quite a few things that people don’t know, and they don’t know until they end up having a baby of their own. We don’t want you to be blindsided like this though, which is why we’ve written this article. Down below, we’re going to be talking about some of the interesting things that we think you should know about babies, so keep reading if you’re interested.
They Don’t Cry Tears In The Beginning
When they are first born, when they are crying you will notice that there are no tears. This might sound absurd to a lot of people, but babies do not cry the way that we do. Sure, they make a noise that lets you know they are crying, but you will not see any tears until they are a few months old at least. This is because their tear ducts are not actually developed yet, and this doesn’t happen for a little while longer.
It might seem really weird to some people now who are going to look out for this in their newborns, but you will find that what we’re saying is true. You may think that you’ve seen a new baby cry, but you will have only ever heard them. Strange, isn’t it?
They Wake Up, A Lot
You may or may not know this about babies because a lot of people talk about the fact that they are sleep deprived. But, we assume that most people think this means that babies don’t sleep much, and this is not true at all. In fact, they generally sleep quite a lot which is normal behavior for a newborn. They need a lot more sleep than we do as they adjust to the new world that they have been brought into. In fact, they sleep more than they are awake…mostly. Some people don’t get lucky and they get a baby who does not sleep well even from birth, and that’s just unlucky.
However, babies do sleep a lot, but they also wake up a lot. They need to wake up to feed, they need to wake up because they are wet, they need to wake up just so they can look around a bit. It’s a never ending cycle and honestly it can be hard to deal with. You don’t get that consistent sleep that you are used to, and it makes everything more difficult. So, just know that if your baby waking up at night, it’s completely normal. It’s more common for this to happen than for a baby to sleep through the night, okay?
Crying Doesn’t Always Mean There’s An Issue
Another interesting fact that we have got for you is that crying does not always mean that there is an issue. It doesn’t always mean that they are wet, hungry, tired, want a cuddle or anything else. All of these cries sound different and you will get to learn which one is which for your baby soon enough, but what do you do when it’s none of these? If your baby is clean, dry, fed, cuddles and they are still crying but they don’t show any signs of being ill, then it’s likely that they are just crying. Babies do that, and it’s not something to be concerned about.
It might be hard for you to deal with, but that doesn’t make it a cause for concern. It’s important that you know about this as well because it can be easy to get frustrated and frazzled if you’ve done everything and they are still crying, but you don’t know that this happens sometimes.
Babies Are Constantly Learning New Things
Babies are constantly learning new things. They are watching their surroundings as their eyesight improves, they are taking in everything that is going on around them, and it’s a lot for them. It’s part of the reason that they sleep so much because life is just really exhausting for them. There is so much for them to see and learn that their brain is constantly working overtime to try and get it all sorted in there. They need to learn who is who, how to communicate, what certain things mean, what things are, and it’s hard for them.
Just know that even if it seems like a baby is doing nothing, we guarantee they are just sitting there taking everything in.
They Recognize Their Mother And Father
The final thing that we want to mention is that they recognize their mother and father from their time on the inside. This is especially true for the mother as they will recognize the heartbeat and the voice because that will be what they have heard constantly for the last nine months. It’s a wonderful feeling to bond with this tiny little human that loves you and seeks you out for comfort because they know who you are to them.
They may not always recognize dad at first, but they will get there. It’s a little harder for them to get this, but it won’t take too long to get that sorted.
We hope that you have found this article helpful, and now see some of the interesting things that you should know about babies. Babies are awesome, but strange little creatures that a lot of the time we do not fully understand. It’s important though that we do our best to understand them, especially if you are having one of your own. You may think that these newborn days are hard, but trust us when we tell you that you are going to miss them when you have a sassy toddler running around.