How to do Art with your Kid if you’re a Neat and Control Freak

How to do Art with your Kid if you’re a Neat and Control Freak

- in Parenting

Step 1. Back away from Pinterest and pick something easy. Like coloring or basic watercolors. You can do this!

Step 2. Prepare. Lay down lots of paper to protect your table, gather and arrange all the necessary supplies – in fact, do so much preparing that by the time everything is ready, it’s also naptime and your kid goes to sleep instead.

Step 3. Keep the fancy supplies for yourself. Because when your kid mixes the green paint with the red paint with the yellow paint….it all turns brown in the end.

Step 4. Let go of your vision. I know you thought art time was about creating masterpieces, but if your kid just wants to dip her paintbrush in the water and put THAT on the paper instead….well, you just have to learn to let it go.

Step 5. Teach your kid the joy of cleaning up. Let her practice wiping things up with a cloth, boxing up the crayons and putting everything in its proper place. Seriously this is the best part of doing art with my kid…I highly recommend it.

About the author

Stephanie Prause is a 30-something living in a suburb of Cleveland, Ohio. She is a corporate communications professional, juggling a career she thrives at with being a mom and wife. Stephanie is passionate about healthy living (which really just means eating nutritious foods and staying active)...but she also loves craft beer, chips and salsa, and naps. On her blog, Good Health & Great Cheer, she explores all of those things that make life worth living. Stephanie is a frequent blogger at and serves as the Marketing Committee Chair on the Board of Directors for the Hanna Perkins Center for Childhood Development. Other interests include cooking from scratch and reading voraciously (at least for about 20 minutes before she passes out mid-sentence).

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