Teachers work hard and often end up paying for supplies in their classrooms. Many parents get upset over the lengthy supply lists teachers send home not realizing how much these items are needed. For many, the biggest complaint is extra items that go beyond basic school supplies. If you would like to help your child’s teacher, here are some extra items they need that will help any time of year you bring them in.
Tissues are vital for keeping germs at bay. When flu season hits, kids get runny noses and to help slow the spread of germs, tissues are needed.
Disinfectant spray. When flu season rolls around, teachers end up spending a large chunk of their pay on cleaning supplies to help keep your child from getting sick. Bringing in disinfectant sprays and wipes can not only benefit your child’s class, but also help keep your family from getting sick.
Hand sanitizer. Kids don’t have time to run off to wash their hands as often as they should. Keeping large containers on hand can help the children keep their hands clean and reduce the spread of germs.
Whiteboard markers. Whiteboards are great as they reduce allergies over traditional chalkboards, but the markers can get expensive and dry out easily when children leave the caps off. These markers are most often the responsibility of the teachers to pay for.
Another thing so few realize that many teachers foot the bill on is printer/copy paper. When you find a deal on this, it is a great idea to send some into your child’s teacher so they can provide the classroom with printouts without as much stress.
Not sure what your child’s teacher could use to help provide your child with a great education?
Ask what they need that may not have been on your child’s school supplies list. Sometimes it is the simplest things. If you don’t feel comfortable asking this before you get a chance to know your child’s teacher, a gift card to the local office supply store, Walmart or even Amazon can be a great way to help your child’s teacher get what they need when the need arises.