To the Mom Friends who Told me the Things I Didn’t Know: Thank You

To the Mom Friends who Told me the Things I Didn’t Know: Thank You

- in Parenting

It’s common knowledge that the moment you announce your pregnancy, well-meaning family, friends, acquaintances, coworkers and people in line at the grocery store check-out will pepper you with unsolicited advice.

They all mean well, but as we parents know, eventually you have to figure things out for yourself. After all, every baby, child, parent and family is different. What worked for your mom’s cousin’s sister-in-law’s kids may not suit your little ones.

However, there’s one type of advice that, while technically unsolicited, I have welcomed throughout by brief journey of parenthood (I’m not quite six years into this gig, and we all know raising kids is a marathon, not a sprint).

Basically, they’re the common-sense things known by parents who have more experience than you. And these facts are dropped on you not in a condescending way, but in a “I wish someone would have told me this when I was at your stage of parenthood” kind of way.

So, to all my “mom friends” who told me what I didn’t know, thank you:

Jackie, for telling me to “point it down.” Really, how did I not know to point my son’s penis down in order to keep his diapers from leaking out the top?

Liz and Michelle, for telling me that supplementing with formula didn’t equal failure.

Sarah, for telling me about the group “Car Seats for the Littles,” a volunteer-driven, nonprofit organization dedicated to helping parents find the safest transportation solutions for their kids. I am confident in the fact that my sons are as safe as possible while riding in the car.

Courtney and Audrey, for telling me what to feed my ready-for-purees baby. Their answer was…wait for it…food. Nothing fancy — just cook and mash up some food.

Jen, for telling me how wonderful her kids’ preschool was. I fell in love with it, too, and cried when my oldest finished his brief two years there. Soon, I will get to cherish my youngest’s two years there.

Jessica, for telling me — multiple times — when the sign-up deadlines were for various youth sports programs. Hint: it’s way earlier than you’d think.

Meghan, for telling me that Safety Town exists — and when the sign-up was for that.

I know there will be many, many more tidbits to come over the years. If you’re a more experienced mom or dad who sees a newbie like myself stumbling over parenting basics, feel free to speak up. Chances are, we’ll be grateful.

About the author

Denise Koeth is Digital Content Manager for Northeast Ohio Parent. She oversees content on the website and manages the brand’s social media activity. Denise grew up in Northeast Ohio and she and her husband are currently raising their two boys here, making it a point to take the boys to area events, attractions and kid-friendly destinations.

1 Comment

  1. Awwww, thank you. You have given me the best advice too… just by pointing out parenting is different for everyone and not to sweat the small stuff. We’re all in this together. I’m so glad we have each other to keep our sanity while we raise our littles.

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