The members of the Stow-Munroe Falls Lions Club are finalizing their 8th Annual Paw Fest, scheduled for Sunday, September 21, at Stow’s Bow Wow Beach Dog Park in collaboration with the City of Stow. The park is located at 5027 Stow Road, Stow, Ohio.
This year’s event is being dedicated to those special individuals who rescue and save animals 24/7.
Paw Fest 2014 is a free event beginning at 10 a.m. and ending at 4 p.m. Parking will be available for $1 or through a donation of used eyeglasses – one of the many eye care projects the Lions club maintains throughout the year.
Webster, the Akron Duck’s mascot, will be visiting to enlighten the young visitors. And as in previous years, the event will feature rescue groups, vendors, dog training exercises/exhibits, speakers, and dog contests throughout the day along with a Tennis Ball Toss (visitors can purchase a pre-numbered tennis ball(s), all sold will be tossed into the dog park swim area and a selected dog will retrieve one ball – winner receives 50 percent of the profit from the balls sold), as well as a gift raffle drawing.
Proceeds from this popular Lion’s club fund raiser benefits many community projects and Lion’s eye care foundations, while aiding those individuals who have impaired vision through eye exams, glasses, and assistance dogs.
Vendors and rescue groups who would like to be a part of this popular fund raiser should contact Chairman, Lion Marty Dennis at [email protected] or 330-607-2242. The club’s web site is