Easter Egg Hunts and Meet the Easter Bunny Events in Northeast Ohio

Easter Egg Hunts and Meet the Easter Bunny Events in Northeast Ohio

Hippity, hoppity, Easter’s on its way! And there’s lots of way to celebrate around Northeast Ohio. Hunt for Easter eggs, go to an Easter celebration, take a photo with the Easter bunny and more!

Photos & Easter Bunny Meet & Greets

Through March 30

Photos with the Easter Bunny at Great Northern Mall. Hop on over to Great Northern and get your Photos with the Easter Bunny. Reservations suggested but walk-ups welcome. 11 a.m. – 7 p.m., weekdays, 11 .m. – 8p .m., Friday & Saturday. Great Northern Mall,  4954 Great Northern Boulevard,North Olmsted, greatnorthernohio.com

Photos with the Easter Bunny at Belden Village Mall. Capture photos and create special memories with the Easter Bunny! Monday-Saturday 11 a.m. – 7 p.m. Sunday 11 a.m. – 6 p.m. * Sensory friendly bunny March 16 from 9-10:30 a.m. Belden Village Mall, Canton, beldenvillagemall.com/event/easter-bunny-photos/

 Easter Bunny Meet at Greet at Great Lakes Mall. Meet the Easter Bunny and take a photo. Reservations recommended but walk-ups welcome. Great Lakes Mall, 7850 Mentor Avenue, Mentor, 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. *Sensory friendly March 17 10-11:15 a.m.,  www.shopgreatlakesmall.com

Bunny Photos. Reservations and Walk-ins are both available. *Sensory friendly March 17 10:30-11:30, SouthPark Mall, Strongsville, shoppingsouthparkmall.com

March 30

Meet the Easter Bunny at Crocker Park. Hop over to Crocker Park on Saturday, March 30 for free, self-serve photos with the Easter Bunny! Dress to impress and create a lasting memory for the whole family! Pets are welcome too from 10-1PM inside the North Union Farmers Market located at 292 Main Street, Westlake, crockerpark.com/easter/


Egg Hunts & Easter Fun Events

 March 29

Easter Egg Skate. Roller skating, fun, games and candy. 12:30. Chagrin Valley Roller Rink, 7151 S Main St, Chagrin Falls, https://skate.cvrr.com

March 30

Eggstravaganza at Tower City. Bring your fun-size peeps for an eggstraordinary time with egg hunts, petting zoo, live entertainment, crafts and games, Easter bunny and more! Noon-6 p.m., Tower City Center, 230 West Huron Road Cleveland, towercitycenter.com

Easter Egg Hunt at Riverside Park.

Easter Egg Hunt at Riverside Park in Chagrin Falls

The annual Easter egg hunt is back! Enjoy a fun day outside and hunt for eggs in Riverside Park. There will be prizes and candy for the kids. 10 a.m. – 1 p.m., Riverside ParkMain Street, Chagrin Falls, cvjc.org/easter-egg-hunt

Cuyahoga Falls 68th Annual Egg Hunt.  This year the hunt will be held at two locations: Keyser Park and Waterworks Park. Families are invited to arrive at their leisure as both egg hunts will begin at 10am and end at 12pm. Children will hunt at their own pace for six different colored eggs hidden throughout the hunt zone. Once all six colors are found, they will turn in their eggs in exchange for a bag of goodies! Children will also have the opportunity to participate at the craft table and each park will have a food truck on site. www.cityofcf.com

The 39th Annual Easter Egg Hunt. Presented by the Solon Italian Club. Please consider bringing canned food items to donate to benefit Harvest For Hunger via the Solon Fire Department. Stewart Field (visitor’s side) 10 a.m. sharp. https://www.facebook.com/SolonItalianClub

Easter Eggstravaganza. The Annual Easter Eggstravaganza and Touch-A-Truck takes the Saturday prior to Easter Sunday each year. The gates will open at John Tontimonia City Park located at 165 Oakwood St., Ravenna Ohio, at 9:40 a.m. The Easter Bunny will be there along with carnival games and our city service vehicles. www.ravennaoh.gov/

April 1

Easter Monday Egg Roll at the James A Garfield House

Easter Monday Egg Roll. This kid-friendly day and favorite of the general public takes place on the same day as the Easter Egg Roll at the White House in Washington, D.C.! Games, activities, Easter egg hunts, and the Easter egg roll for kids are all part of this fun day that also commemorates a White House tradition in which President Garfield participated in 1881! Sponsored by the James A. Garfield Alliance. 1-3 p.m. James A. Garfield National Historic Site, 8095 Mentor Ave., Mentor, nps.gov/jaga

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