Looking for family-friendly fun this month? Check out these events and activities happening all month long around Northeast Ohio.
Plus, check out our list of Valentine’s Day events.
February 2
Medina Railroad & Toy Show. Come browse a wide variety of trains, planes, toys and collectables. 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Medina County Fairgrounds, 735 Lafayette Road, Medina, conraddowdell.com
February 7
Homeschool Explorers. Learn all about space and its elements. Ages 7-12. 10 a.m. Vermillion River Reservation, 51211 N. Ridge Road, Vermillion, loraincountymetroparks.com
February 8
Paw Patrol Live! A Mighty Adventure. After Chase, Marshall, Skye and the gang save Adventure City with their Mighty Pup Powers, it’s time for the paw-some-est street party ever. State Theatre at Playhouse Square, 1519 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, playhousesquare.org
Nora The Explorer. Everything cute, creepy and cool! A fun, energetic, educational, and most importantly hands on animal experience for all ages. 11 a.m.-noon. Wickliffe Public Library, 1713 Lincoln Road, wickliffepl.org
Science Saturday: Harry Potter Day. Inviting all muggles, half-bloods, and wizards to the magical Harry Potter workshop. 11 a.m.-2 p.m. McKinley Museum, 800 McKinley Monument Drive NW, Canton, mckinleymuseum.org
Artistry Outlet. Ages 9-12 explore string art. 2 p.m. Central Branch Library, 211 Second Street., Elyria, elyrialibrary.org
February 10 & February 24
Crafternoon at The Children’s Museum of Cleveland. Explore your inner artist and learn new techniques as you create a take-home craft. 1:30 p.m. 3813 Euclid Ave., cmcleveland.org
February 13
S’more Snowshoeing. Learn about snowshoeing and make delicious s’mores over the fire. 6:30 p.m. Look About Lodge, 37374 Miles Road, Bentleyville, clevelandmetroparks.com
Watershed Family Game Night. Learn about the importance of watersheds and keeping them healthy and play a game to see who can keep their watershed the cleanest. 6-7 p.m. Morgan Park Operation Ctr., 8505 Nicodemus Road, Ravenna, portageparkdistrict.org
February 14-16
Monster Jam 2024. Riveting, high-energy action-packed monster truck show. Rocket Mortgage Fieldhouse, 1 Center Court, Cleveland, rocketmortgagefieldhouse.com
February 15-16, February 22
Maple Sugaring. Visit the sugar bush, explore the tools needed to tap trees, collect sap and more. 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Carlisle Reservation, 12882 Diagonal Road, Lagrange, loraincountymetroparks.com
February 17
Schools Out, but Art is in Session. Spend a few hours trying out different art materials and creating cool works of art. Ages 6-10. 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Bay Arts, 28795 Lake Road, Bay Village, bayarts.net
Presidents Day: Free Admission at the Akron Zoo. 11 a.m.-4 p.m. 505 Euclid Ave., Akron, akronzoo.org
Youth Day Camp. Kids age 5-14 spend their day off of school enjoying gym games, swimming, rock wall climbing and more. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Cleveland Clinic Akron General Health & Wellness Center, 4300 Allen Road, Stow, my.clevelandclinic.org
February 20
Homeschool Field Trip: Black History Month. Learn about those who influenced the transportation industry, examine how African Americans during the early 20th century built strong community bonds, and more. Cleveland History Center, 10825 East Blvd., Cleveland, wrhs.org
February 21
The Princess Bride. Experience one of the most beloved films of all time as never before, with the power of a full symphony orchestra performing the entire musical score live-to-picture! Severance Music Center, 11001 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, clevelandorchestra.com
Destination Hibernation. Learn how animals, plants and trees change to survive during the winter months. 3:30 p.m. Lorain Public Library, 351 W. Sixth St., lorainpubliclibrary.org
February 22
Middle School Career Day at the Greater Cleveland Aquarium. Meet aquarists, SCUBA divers, education and guest experience team members. 9 a.m.-12 p.m,. 2000 Sycamore St., Cleveland, greaterclevelandaquarium.com
4-H Information Fair. Want to know more about Geauga County’s 4-H clubs and how to get involved? This event is for you. 10 a.m.-noon. Middlefield Branch Library, 16167 E. High St., geaugalibrary.net
February 22-March 9
Maple Sugaring at Rocky River Reservation. Hike through the sugarbush, see demonstrations of historical syrup making, and visit the sugarhouse. Maple Grover Picnic Area, clevelandmetroparks.com
February 23, March 2 & 9
Sap’s-a-Risin! Help gather sap, experience the tapping, gathering and boiling method and more. 12-4 p.m. Swine Creek Reservation, 16004 Hayes Road, Middlefield Twp, geaugaparkdistrict.org
February 27
Campfire Chili. Cooking demonstrations, recipes & more! 5-7 p.m. Liberty Park Nature Center, 9999 Liberty Road, Twinsburg, summitmetroparks.org
Connecting for Kids Resource Fair. Resources for families with concerns about their youth in Western Cuyahoga and surrounding communities. 6-8 p.m. Don Umerley Civic Center, 21016 Hilliard Blvd., Rocky River, connectingforkids.org
March 1-2
Northeast Ohio Parent Camp, School & Fun Fairs. Explore both schools and camps in a fun-filled environment. 11 a.m.-2 p.m. 3/1 —South Park Mall, Strongsville. 3/2 —Adrenaline Monkey, 26800 Renaissance Pkwy., Warrensville Hts., Register Here.