Looking for something to do with your little ones this winter? Start registering for storytimes and activities for infants through preschoolers at your local libraries and attractions.
Baby Beams Song and Movement. An infant and caregiver class that encourages bonding and builds developmental skills. 1/6-27. 9:30-10:15 a.m. Mandel JCC, 26001 S. Woodland Rd., Beachwood, mandeljcc.org
Storytime with Letter Girl. Join our library superhero, Letter Girl, for preschool and kindergarten alphabet adventures! 6-7 p.m. Cuyahoga Falls Library, 2015 Third St., fallslibrary.org
Toy Time Mondays. Games, puzzles and toys. Ages 0-5. 10 a.m.-noon. Through 4/21. Thompson Branch Library, 6645 Madison Road, geaugalibrary.net
Music & Movement. A fun, interactive storytime featuring music and creative movement while introducing stories and early literacy concepts to help your child be ready for preschool and Kindergarten.10 a.m. Brook Park Branch Library, 6155 Engle Road, cuyahogalibrary.org
Rhythm & Rhyme. A story, music and movement for preschoolers. 10 a.m. Through 4/29. Bainbridge Library, 17222 Snyder Road, Chagrin Falls, geaugalibrary.net
Little Baby Bookworms. Enjoy story time with songs, fingerplays and more with Mrs. Howard. 11 a.m. Through 4/22. North Canton Public Library, 185 N. Main St., ncantonlibrary.com
Winter Storytime. Come to the library for stories, flannel boards, music and crafts this winter. 10 a.m. Through 2/26. Pierce Streetsboro Library, 8990 Kirby Lane, Streetsboro, portagelibrary.org
Preschool Storytime. Each session features different activities and ends with a small craft project. 10:30 a.m. Through 2/19. Reed Memorial Library, 167 E. Main St., Ravenna, reedlibrary.org
Little Folks Storytime. Children ages 6-36 months: Bring your favorite caregiver and join us for stories, rhymes, songs, and more. Richfield Branch Library, 3761 S. Grant St., akronlibrary.org
Family Fun Storytime. Stories, rhymes and songs. 10:30 a.m. Through 3/27. Euclid Public Library, 631 E. 222nd St., euclidlibrary.org
2’s & 3’s Storytime. Stories, songs, and rhymes. 10:15 a.m. Through 4/17. Rocky River Public Library, 1600 Hampton Road, rrpl.org
Newsy Mom Playdates. Stories and activities on the 2nd Thursday Monthly. 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. Belden Village Mall, 4220 Belden Village St. NW, Canton, shoppingbeldenvillagemall.com
Twos & Threes Together. You and your toddler will explore stories, songs, rhymes, and more! Through 2/27. 10:15 a.m.
Hudson Library, 96 Library St., hudsonlibrary.org
Lapsit Storytime. Rhymes, songs and play for children ages 0-24 months with caregiver. 9:30 a.m. Westlake Porter Public Library, 27333 Center Ridge Road, westlakelibrary.org
Family Storytime at the Great Northern Mall. Family storytime on the first Friday of each month. 11:30 a.m. 4954 Great Northern Mall Blvd., North Olmsted, greatnorthernohio.com
Wiggle, Giggle and Shake. This program encourages caregivers and kids to have fun clapping, marching and moving to music. Geared to ages 2-6. 10 a.m. Through 5/2. Mentor Public Library, 8215 Mentor Ave., mentorpl.org
My First Art Class. Parents, come play with your budding artist (ages 4-5) as they build confidence and self-esteem through the practice of drawing, painting and sculpture. 11 a.m. Canton Museum of Art, 1001 Market Ave. N., Canton, cantonart.org