February Things to Do With Kids in Northeast Ohio

February Things to Do With Kids in Northeast Ohio

Looking for something fun to do? Make a visit to your local library, museum or area attraction, many of which offer storytimes, performances, crafts, and other fun activities for young children.

Looking for a place to celebrate Valentine’s Day? Check out our Kids and Parents’ Valentine’s Day events list here.


Campus Life: Teens. Food, games, and conversations that matter to teens. 6:30-8:30 p.m. That Place for Teens, 1480 Pearl Road, #10, Brunswick, thatplace4teens.com

Middle School Makers. A club for middle schoolers who love to create, craft, explore and discover. 7 p.m. Kent Free Library, 312 W. Main St., kentfreelibrary.org

Pathfinders. Children in grades K-2 discover and try new ways of doing things. Through 3/27. 4-5 p.m. Chardon Branch Library, 110 E. Park St., divi.geaugalibrary.net


Afterschool Spot for Teens & Tweens. Video games, board games, snacks and more. 3:30-5:30 p.m. Coventry Village Branch Library, 1925 Coventry Road, Cleveland Hts., heightslibrary.org

Young Scholars’ Academy Transitional Program. For children 4-6 who are in Kindergarten in the fall of 2022 or 2023.  2/14-3/28. 5:30-6 p.m. Cleveland Main Library, 325 Superior Ave., cpl.org

Healthy Alternatives for Little Ones (HALO). Ages 5-7. Hands-on activities that promote holistic health and social skills. 4-5 p.m. Brooklyn Branch Library, 4480 Ridge Road, Brooklyn, cuyahogalibrary.org

After School Adventures. Children K-4th grade will explore literature, science concepts, arts, and culture through various activities. 3:15 p.m. Wickliffe Public Library, 1713 Lincoln Road, wickliffepl.org


Mini Movers & Music. Combination class of creative movement, music and dance games for ages 3-5. Through 3/16. 1-1:45 p.m. Orange Community Education & Recreation, 32000 Chagrin Blvd., orangerec.com

Keyboard Explorers. Engaging music class, featuring keyboard instruction and much more for ages 4-5. 2/9-5/25. The Music Settlement, 2610 Detroit Ave., Ohio City, themusicsettlement.org


Comic Club. All ages work in the company of others to create a page of comics, drawings, or poetry. First Saturday of each month through April. 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Community Arts Center, 2937 W. 25th St., clevelandart.org


Family FUNday. Family-friendly games, movement-based activities, art, and more. First Sunday of each month. 1-4 p.m. Community Arts Center, West 25th St., Cleveland, clevelandart.org

Mentor Marsh Family Hike. Come explore the forest. 2-3:30 p.m. Cleveland Museum of Natural History, The Carol H. Sweet Nature Center, 5185 Corduroy Road, Mentor, cmnh.org


February 5 & April 2

Medina Railroad & Toy Show. Come browse a wide variety of trains, planes. toys and collectables. 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Medina County Fairgrounds, 735 Lafayette Road, Medina, conraddowdell.com

February 7

Chocolate Teen Fest. Come taste a variety of chocolates and vote on their favorites. 6-7 p.m. Barberton Public Library, 602 W. Park Ave., barberton.lib.oh.us

SAT/ACT Test Tips. Learn what to expect on the SAT and ACT and how you can maximize your scores. 7-8 p.m. Rocky River Public Library, 1600 Hampton Road, rrpl.org

February 7-8

Nature Drawing. Join an interpretive artist for this entertaining lesson. 1-3 p.m. 2/7 and 10 a.m.-12 p.m. 2/8. F. A. Seiberling Nature Realm, 1828 Smith Road, Akron, summitmetroparks.org

February 7-9

It’s Okay to Be Different. Delivers important messages of acceptance, understanding and self confidence. Mimi Ohio Theatre, Playhouse Square, 1511 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, playhousesquare.org

February 10-26

The Jungle Book. One of literature’s most enduring classics is brought vividly to the stage in this exciting adventure. The Fine Arts Association, 38660 Mentor Ave., Willoughby, fineartsassociation.org


Family Concert: Gotta Dance! Put on your dancing shoes and get ready for a dazzling program of toe-tapping numbers. 2 p.m. Severance Hall, 11001 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, clevelandorchestra.com

February 9

Family Engineering Night. Fun, friendly engineering competition that challenges your STEM skills. 6:30 p.m. North Ridgeville Branch Library, 37500 Bainbridge Road, lorainpubliclibrary.org

February 10-26

Ghost The Musical. Sam and Molly are lovers, and when Sam dies he becomes caught between our world and what lies next. Beck Center for the Arts, 17801 Detroit Ave., Lakewood, beckcenter.org

February 11

Women in Science: Family Day. Celebrate the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. 10 a.m. Cleveland Museum of Natural History, 1 Wade Oval Drive, Cleveland, cmnh.org

February 12

Family Clay. Families are invited to this all-ages workshop to make clay masterpieces. 2:30-3:30 p.m. Massillon Museum, 121 Lincoln Way East, massillonmuseum.org

February 13

Candy Sushi Making. Students in grades 6-12 are invited to learn how to make candy sushi! 7-8 p.m. Kent Free Library, 312 W. Main St., kentfreelibrary.org

February 16

Interactive Drumming. Boom, boom! In honor of Black History Month the library is hosting an interactive drum program for families. 6:30 p.m. Stow-Munroe Falls Public Library, 3512 Darrow Road, smfpl.org

February 17

Mad Science of Northeast Ohio. Join the Mad Science crew as we explore “Sounds Like Science”. 2:30-4 p.m. Keystone-LaGrange Branch Library, 101 West St., LaGrange, elyrialibrary.org

February 18

Super Science Saturday: Love for Life. Take a look at some of the creatures of our world that mate for life. 10:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Akron Fossils & Science Center, 2080 S. Cleveland Massillon Road, Copley, akronfossils.com

An Enhanced Afternoon. Photos with princesses, decorating a sweet treat, craft, and a game. 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Silver Springs Park, 5027 Stow Road, Stow, stowohio.org

Hero Kids Club. Role-playing game that is Dungeons & Dragons inspired but scaled for younger kids looking for their first adventure. Ages 5+. 11 a.m.-12 p.m.. Cuyahoga Falls Library,  2015 Third St., cuyahogafallslibrary.org

February 20

Middle School Career Day at the Greater Cleveland Aquarium. Meet aquarists, SCUBA divers, education and guest experience team members. 9 a.m.-12 p.m,. 2000 Sycamore St., Cleveland, greaterclevelandaquarium.com

Mini Missions. Travel through space and visit different objects in the solar system, explore constellations in the night sky and more. 1-1:30 p.m. Lake Erie Nature & Science Center, 28728 Wolf Road, Bay Village, lensc.org

Youth Day Camp. Kids age 5-14 spend their day off of school enjoying gym games, swimming, rock wall climbing and more. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Cleveland Clinic Akron General LifeStyles, 1940 Town Park Blvd., Uniontown, my.clevelandclinic.org

February 24

Fun Science Friday: Status Electricity. Explore the shocking science of status electricity. 4-4:45 p.m. Westlake Porter Public Library, 27333 Center Ridge Road, westlakelibrary.org

February 25

Loving Lakewood: Out of This World. Enjoy force field foods, big bang beverages and more meteoric fun than you can fit into an entire solar system. 7:30-11 p.m. Lakewood Masonic Temple, lakewoodalive.org

February 28

Bright Builders. Build, code, and control robots and remote control cars. Ages 6-18. 4-5 p.m. Glenville Branch Library, 11900 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, cpl.org

Code Zone: Tweens. Free introduction to coding. 4-4:45 p.m. Reed Memorial Library, 167 E. Main St., Ravenna, reedlibrary.org

March 5

All Aboard: Riding with a Ranger. Hear stories of wildlife, nature, and the history of CVNP. 12:30 p.m. Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad, Peninsula Station, cvsr.org

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