Parent Tip of the Week: 5 Ocean-Themed Activities for Kids

Parent Tip of the Week: 5 Ocean-Themed Activities for Kids

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fishing-alphabetPinterest is a great source of inspiration when searching for some fun, educational activities for children. Check out the following ocean-themed ideas for some easy, at-home fun for your kids.

Fishing Alphabet Activity

This idea from Mom Inspired Life is great for hand-eye coordination, letter identification and — most importantly — fun. Preschoolers catch alphabet fish using a laundry basket “boat” and handmade magnetic fishing pole.


Ocean Swirl Glitter Slimeocean-swirl-glitter-slime-small

Make mesmerizing sensory slime that’s reminiscent of ocean waves with this simple craft from Twodaloo. Use ingredients you likely have at home to create the slime, then toss in fun, mini ocean creatures for an added adventure.




salt-water-experiementSalt Water Density Experiment

Conduct an at-home science experiment that’s fun and educational for elementary-aged kids, courtesy of The Science Kiddo. Use pantry ingredients to demonstrate how salty ocean water differs from fresh water.



ocean-wave-bottleSensory “Ocean in a Bottle”

Create an ocean in a bottle using small stones, shells, plastic fish and other ocean-related toys. This easy DIY craft, courtesy of the Creative Social Worker blog, is a great activity for young children and doubles as a calming object for children with special needs.



sea-turtle-snacksHealthy Sea Turtle Snacks

Whip up a fun, water-themed snack that’s healthy and delicious with this idea from Crafty Recipes. Use apples, grapes, fish crackers and mini chocolate chips to create an edible sea turtle.



About the author

Denise Koeth is Digital Content Manager for Northeast Ohio Parent. She oversees content on the website and manages the brand’s social media activity. Denise grew up in Northeast Ohio and she and her husband are currently raising their two boys here.

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