Archives by: Jeff Berenholz

Jeff Berenholz

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Jeff Berenholz Posts

5 Common Estate Planning Mistakes and How Parents can Avoid Them

Estate planning for Ohio parents
Featured Legal Parenting
Since estate planning involves thinking about death, many people put it off until their senior years or simply ignore it all together until it becomes too late. While not having any estate plan is the biggest blunder you can make, even those who do create a plan can run into trouble if they don’t understand exactly how estate plans function. ...
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The Pitfalls of DIY Wills: Lessons Learned from a Florida Probate Case

DIY wills are becoming more prevalent as legal services can now be accessed easily online. Before you decide to create your own will using an online service, learn one example of how, while these online companies are making legal services more accessible, they’re also doing their customers a disservice. ...
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Planning Pays Off: An Illustrative Look at Carrie Fisher’s Semi-Failed Estate Plan

Lawyer estate planning
Finance Legal
The value of a good estate plan, properly handled, is vital. When a celebrity passes away, we can learn a lot about the value of careful planning when using their estate plan as a case study. Jeff Berenholz, a local estate planning attorney, uses this example to help you understand important points for your family. ...
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