Good Health & Great Cheer
Stephanie Prause is a 30-something living in a suburb of Cleveland, Ohio. She is a corporate communications professional, juggling a career she thrives at with being a mom and wife. Stephanie is passionate about healthy living (which really just means eating nutritious foods and staying active)...but she also loves craft beer, chips and salsa, and naps. On her blog, Good Health & Great Cheer, she explores all of those things that make life worth living. Stephanie is a frequent blogger at SheintheCle.com and serves as the Marketing Committee Chair on the Board of Directors for the Hanna Perkins Center for Childhood Development. Other interests include cooking from scratch and reading voraciously (at least for about 20 minutes before she passes out mid-sentence).
A Note to Parents About Slowing Down this Holiday Season
Northeast Ohio offers no shortage of family-friendly events, especially during the already busy holiday season. It’s certainly wonderful to have so many options! But it’s easy to feel pushed to do... Read more
Quiet Mornings…and Other Gifts I Give Myself as a Mom
As I write this, it’s 6:30 on a weekday morning. I’m sipping hot black coffee and eating creamy overnight oats. The only sound in my house is the click-clack of my keyboard. Silence. Bliss. Ah,... Read more
Out and About With a Newborn — and a Toddler
Just two months ago, we welcomed the newest member of our family – a bouncing baby boy, Peter. We are overjoyed, of course, but we are also tired. Unfortunately, my toddler doesn’t particularly ca... Read more
Toddler Tantrums: Understand, Manage, Prevent
Ah, yes. Toddler tantrums. Does any parent get through these years entirely without them? If so, I'd like to meet you and shower you with gifts and awe. Already at 19 months, my kid has demonstrated a... Read more
Making the Most of the Holidays with a Young Toddler
I’m the type of person who believes this time of year can be magical. I’m currently sipping my hot coffee out of my holiday mug and will listen to Christmas music as much as possible between now a... Read more
How to do Art with your Kid if you’re a Neat and Control Freak
Step 1. Back away from Pinterest and pick something easy. Like coloring or basic watercolors. You can do this! Step 2. Prepare. Lay down lots of paper to protect your table, gather and arrange all ... Read more
5 Reasons Why Toddlers Are Awesome
Toddlers get a bad rap, y’all. I mean…terrible twos, threenager….etc. And don’t get me wrong at 15 months my kid can already throw a tantrum with the best of them (like last night….because s... Read more
5 Things I Refuse to Feel Guilty About as a Mom
Being a parent is tough enough (hello, toddler tantrums) without all the added guilt and mommy shaming. I firmly believe guilt is self-imposed and a waste of energy. And while there are some things fo... Read more
Getting Your Toddler to Take Medicine She Hates: Your Input Needed!
I called the doctor’s office and practically BEGGED them to give me a new prescription.“You’re just going to have to force it into her mouth, drops at a time, with her head tilted back.”WHAT?!... Read more
Realistic Party Planning for Non-Crafty Moms
Realistic Party Planning for Non-Crafty MomsWhat do you “fail” at that “every mom is good at?”One thing for me (let’s focus on just one today, shall we) is crafts.Ugh, you guys. The thought ... Read more