Toddlers get a bad rap, y’all. I mean…terrible twos, threenager….etc. And don’t get me wrong at 15 months my kid can already throw a tantrum with the best of them (like last night….because she was…full? Ugh!).
But (so far anyway – it’s early days over here), I’ve been floored by how awesome this age is, so I’d like to redeem our tiny terrors a bit and share a few reasons why toddlers are awesome:
1 – The dumbest things make them happy. Vera got a toddler-sized chair from my in-laws a few days ago – A CHAIR – and you would think they gave her a pony or something. Getting in and out of the chair keeps her occupied and makes her laugh. Bonus points if mommy pretends to sit in her chair – giggles all day. You can also find my kid thoroughly enjoying pieces of paper (especially a newspaper), towels (she likes wiping the floor – #winning) and our travel neck pillow.
2 – Their budding imaginations are hilarious. Every time my kid pretends to feed her singing elephant, I die. She also does some weird game with her growth chart where she goes up to it, studies something, then walks over to her dad to give him something. We don’t have a clue what she’s doing. Awesome.
3 – They have very specific opinions. OK, while this can be inconvenient and annoying at best and super frustrating and headache-inducing at worst…it is kind of cute, isn’t it? I love watching her become her own person although I wish her opinions included “want to snuggle with mommy more” but oh well.
4 – They soak up things like a sponge. It seems like Vera is learning multiple new things every day – whether it’s where her hands are, what “bring that to mommy” means or trying a new word. Yesterday she finally figured out that just because we ask her where her nose is, doesn’t mean she has to stick her finger IN her nose…she can just point to it. Small victories, people.
5 – You’re their hero. This really is the best, isn’t it? My husband and I are Vera’s #1 people. She thinks we’re hilarious (I mean, obviously we are), follows us around the house, is sad when we leave and happy when we return, and clings to us when she is scared.