12 Things About Blogger Nichole Smith from ‘Chaos in the Country’

12 Things About Blogger Nichole Smith from ‘Chaos in the Country’

- in 2014 Editions

I’ve always loved writing and telling stories but I realized that you may not know very much about me. Most of my life in rural Northeast Ohio is written out on my blog, Chaos in the Country. I’ve blogged there for almost nine years now which I guess makes me an old fogey in the blog world. Old hat or not,

I’m thrilled to be a blogger for Northeastohioparent.com and share my insights on raising teens and juggling work and family life. I hope you enjoy reading!

Sometimes a blog post can only tell you so much about a person so I thought I’d share some things that many people (whether they read my personal blog or not) may not know!

Things about Me

1. I bite my nails. I used to bite them all the time when I was a kid but now it’s only when I’m nervous or watching scary movies.

2. I love books – almost to the point of hoarding. Don’t judge me.

3. My favorite Sunday comics character is Garfield.

4. I’m addicted to Grey’s Anatomy and Scandal.

5. Reality television makes me stabby.

6. My first “real job” was when I was 14; I worked behind the concession stand at a local movie theater.

7. I met Dick Clark and danced with him on stage at the Cleveland Autorama Car show when I was four years old.

8. At one point I had two blogs, Chaos in the Country and The Guilty Parent but I merged them about two years ago but a lot of people still know me as the guilty parent and that’s kinda cool.

9. I’ve chased cows. And pigs. I do not enjoy chasing either.

10. Alaska the Last Frontier is the exception to number 5 – I love the Kilcher family!

11. I was born with a congenital heart defect and have had a pacemaker since I was four months old. Back in the day it could stop a Timex watch from ticking.

12. My private chocolate stash rivals all the Bullion in Fort Knox.

I have a background in journalism and business. I spent the better part of my work life in an office job until the birth of my youngest eight years ago. That prompted me to get out of the rat race and start working for myself as a freelance writer. I’ve written for news publications and many online communities. Once my youngest started school I began consulting and returned to work full time as a social media director! (Yes I get paid to be on Facebook!)

Want to know more? Feel free to follow me on some of my favorite social networks:

Facebook: Chaos in the Country

Twitter: @Knowitallnikki

Instagram: Knowitallnikki

Pinterest: Nichole Smith

About the author

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