Summer was the opportunity to adventure and try new things.
Paddle boarding, art classes, summer camp…
Oh wait, I am talking about my kid and THEIR summer fun.
Summer for adults…well…perhaps I didn’t optimized my summer opportunities the way my child has and I have for my child.
I see some adults and they look like they are killing it when it comes to fun engagement. And, its the good for you kind of engagement. The “learning new things,” seeing new sights, stretching oneself kind of fun. Help me! I think I may have lost my way.
I’d give myself a “C.” Yeah, I have been to plenty of concerts and educational lectures, but they are all part of my gig/my professional work (I create programs for a summer historical resort).
Oh yes, poor me. I know. Rough life and first world problems.
But seriously, it’s a different experience.
As I think about my path forward, I’m telling myself “Sign ME Up.” Watching my child grow and the new experiences she has participated in reminds me that I am a learner TOO. Yeah, an adult learner with multiple responsibilities but those experiences are the ones that light my soul up, make my heart sing.
As I see organizations roll out their fall program catalogs and I start to work with my daughter on which classes she is going to participate in, I’m going to give a look – and make a commitment – too.
What about you?