Hawken School’s Unique School Calendar Supports ‘Deep Dive’ into Areas of Student Interest

Hawken School’s Unique School Calendar Supports ‘Deep Dive’ into Areas of Student Interest

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Did you know that most schools’ schedules in the 21st century closely mirror those from schools in the early 19th century? Despite the significant changes in the world and the vast amount of research conducted on educational best practices in the last 200 years, modern schools still rely on an outdated and, in many cases, ineffective schedule model to educate our students.

That’s what inspired Hawken’s teachers and administrators nearly 15 years ago to revise the school calendar to accommodate Intensives, which have become a hallmark of Hawken’s high school education at both the Upper School in Gates Mills and the Mastery School of Hawken in University Circle.

Intensives: Why?
Immersive experiences that support meaningful, authentic learning opportunities are not possible during the traditional 45-minute period that characterizes most school schedules. Focusing on a single topic for five days a week, seven hours a day enables students to develop the much-needed skills of knowledge creation, collaboration, and problem-solving. At the same time, they strengthen character traits of empathy, resilience, and confidence that are so necessary to thriving in today’s world.

Intensive classes are held during the final three weeks of each semester: the weeks between Thanksgiving and winter break and the final three weeks of the school year. This gives teachers and students three weeks of uninterrupted time to delve into their subject matter without the distractions and interruptions that occur in a typical school schedule and to take advantage of opportunities to travel outside the classroom to interact with experts and professionals.

The Intensive format allows in-depth, immersive learning to take place in a variety of locations: from Hawken’s main campuses to locations throughout the city of Cleveland to places around the globe.

All students in grades 9 through 12 at both the Upper School and Mastery School campuses enroll in an Intensive at the end of every semester. By the time they graduate, each student will have had eight Intensive experiences.

Following the success of Intensives for high school students, teachers and administrators at Hawken’s Middle School designed a shorter, modified version of Intensives by reserving one week each year for a program called “Insights.” Like Intensives, Insights Week provides a unique opportunity for middle school students to explore a niche area in depth by choosing one class from an array of courses designed by faculty, who take an experiential learning approach by exposing students to real-world situations.

The Insights program provides a mixed-grade opportunity where students build community with older and younger peers as they work to learn, solve problems, and build character, often by working with and learning from members of the greater Cleveland community.

Learn more at hawken.edu

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