A Christmas Story, That You Can Help Write

A Christmas Story, That You Can Help Write

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 A Christmas Story, That You Can Help Write…

With a mighty stretch of my arms and an awakening yawn, I laid quietly for a moment as I looked out my window.  The morning sun was glistening off the frost that had formed on both the inside and outside of the glass.  I was excited.  It was Christmas day.  I always looked forward to Christmas, even though I knew there would be no presents for me to open.  It had been a tough year.  We didn’t have much money like my other friends did.

I walked down the hallway, still rubbing the sleep from my eyes.  I could hear my mom in the kitchen, I could smell the coffee still brewing.  It was then I noticed two presents on the coffee table where our small 3-foot Christmas tree sat.  My heart raced as I ran to the table.   “Andy” was on one of the tags.  That’s my name!!  My brother’s name was on the other.  How could this be? We have no money for presents.  Only other kids get presents.

For so many children in our community, many kids like Andy don’t expect any presents.  Times have been hard since the pandemic.  Especially this year with soaring prices for food, utilities, gas and everyday basic needs.  Many families are struggling just to keep the heat on and food on the table.  But through the Walmart Angel Tree program, you can help a child like Andy have a present or two to open this Christmas.

Angel Tree Online Gift Registry

The Salvation Army and Walmart have teamed up again this year to set up online gift registries that allow you the amazing opportunity to purchase a toy from the registry and Walmart will ship that toy to The Salvation Army, who will distribute them to hardworking families in need.

The toy you purchase today, may be the only toy a child receives this year. You will be making a lasting impact for a child who is expecting nothing this year.

Throughout last year, it was generous folks like you that allowed The Salvation Army to serve 1,325,844 people across Northeast and Northwest Ohio, this is a 95% increase in the past three years. Thousands of families, for the first time ever, are finding themselves needing to reach out to The Salvation Army for help and hope.  During last Christmas alone, The Salvation Army distributed 192,049 toys to local children, many of whom would have received nothing last year. None of this would have been possible without everyday champions doing whatever they could to help others navigate a difficult time.




It’s More Than a Toy

Certainly, Christmas is not about toys. The meaning of Christmas is one rooted in faith and a time when we can bring family and friends together to share that faith and love toward one another. The Salvation Army, as a faith-based organization, is called to provide service to others, as part of their faith and ministry. With your help, you will be not only be providing a child with a new toy, but you will bring joy to their heart. Your simple act of kindness will bring relief and gratitude to hard working parents who are overwhelmed with stress. You can help The Salvation Army serve thousands of children this year and restore the excitement of having a present under the tree. The best part is, it only takes a few minutes, and you can do it from the comfort and safety of your home.

Here is how you can provide toys to children in need:

  1. Visit: com on your smartphone, tablet, or computer
  2. Enter your zip code
  3. Select The Salvation Army location where you want local kids to receive your gift
  4. Purchase a Toy from the Registry. Walmart will send it to The Salvation Army you chose.
  5. You have just provided a toy to a local boy or girl who will be so joyful on Christmas morning knowing that toys at Christmas are for all children.


Have a Need or Want to Get More Involved?

If you are one of the thousands of local people who need a little help this holiday season, please reach out to The Salvation Army. For a list of services and locations, please visit SalvationArmyOhio.org.  For those looking to support families in need and are looking for ways to get involved there are plenty of volunteer opportunities and ways to donate.  You can even ring the iconic bell at a red kettle stand located at a nearby retail location. Learn more about The Salvation Army at SalvationArmyOhio.org.

About The Salvation Army

The Salvation Army, an evangelical part of the universal Christian church, has been supporting those in need in His name without discrimination since 1865. Nearly 33 million Americans receive assistance from The Salvation Army each year through a broad array of social services that range from providing food for the hungry, relief for disaster victims, assistance for the disabled, outreach to the elderly and ill, clothing and shelter for the homeless, along with educational and recreational opportunities for underprivileged children.

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