Yummy Halloween Snacks

Yummy Halloween Snacks

Of course all the kids really want is the candy–chocolate, jawbreakers, Lemonheads, licorice and everything that can get stuck in their little teeth. Let’s make sure to offer them some healthier treats before and after the sweet-gathering festivities. These are also fun to make with the kids by your side.

 Witch’s Broomsticks


Take pretzel sticks and attach a cheese cube at one end to create broomsticks.

Use a chive or green onion as the “broom” part.

Mummy Hot Dogs

Wrap hot dogs or tiny sausages with strips of crescent roll dough to create mummy-like bandages. Add small dots of ketchup or mustard for eyes.

Clementine Pumpkins

Peel clementines or small oranges and insert a small piece of celery as the pumpkin stem.

Use raisins for eyes and a smile

Candy Corn Parfait


Layer Greek yogurt, orange fruit chunks and whipped cream in a glass to mimic the colors of candy corn.

Add spider rings on top!


Candy-Coated Apples

Dip apples into melted dark chocolate. Coat them with colorful Halloween sprinkles.

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