Not everyone is motivated to work out all the time or thrives on being part of the gym community. However, keeping fit is vital for everybody regardless of age, fitness levels, health conditions, or anything else.
The reality is that our bodies were made to move, and neglecting to move them can lead to more problems down the line as you age. But let’s be real: not everyone enjoys getting out of breath, sweating, and pushing themselves to the limits.
But the good news is you don’t actually have to do this to boost your fitness levels and support your body. These tips are designed to be flexible, especially if you’re short on time or motivation or you have limited access to resources. There are multiple ways you can include fitness into your lifestyle, and these tips can give you some ideas as to how you can do this.
Identify Pockets of Time
Where exactly do you have time? Because finding out where you have time can help to identify the type of exercise you can or want to do. Maybe it’s waiting for the kettle to boil? Or is it that pocket of time between you getting up and the kids getting up? Whenever it is identified, note how long you have realistically, and then you can explore what you can do in this period.
You might do some stretches or squats while waiting for the washing machine to finish, or you might do 10 minutes of yoga or pilates before bed; it doesn’t need to be long, vigorous workouts for it to be beneficial; it just needs to be something additional to your day.
15 Minute Sessions
If time is your biggest constraint, then you need to look for 15-minute windows to get some exercise done. Forget about all the hassle of changing into workout clothes and getting into the zone; just allow yourself to go with the flow. It’s that simple.
Find 15-minute pockets each day at least once, more if you can, and then get to work. It could be doing a 10-minute abs JustFit workout or a quick cardio session. Simply open the app, grab a mat, and get to it.
It could be that you take 15 minutes to walk around your neighborhood, run on the treadmill, or even climb up and down stairs at your home. You can even rope the kids in to join you if you wish. It doesn’t need to be complicated; it just needs to raise your heart rate slightly and get you out of breath to be beneficial.
Ditch The Seat
Look for times when you’re sitting down and see if you can be moving instead. Can you walk while taking calls? Can you walk instead of driving to the shops? Can you stand while working at your desk or even use a walking pad? Or can you do stretches or mobility workouts while watching TV instead of sitting down? This doesn’t mean you need to eliminate all the time you sit down; you do need to rest after all, but pick a few times to swap the seat of activity and see the difference it can make.
Put The Music On
Lacking inspiration? Not sure what you want to do? Dancing counts as activity and the more intense the dance moves the better. So why not put some music on, turn the volume up and get dancing around the house. Whether you dance while you do chores or you dance while you’re not doing anything else; a few short bursts of dancing throughout the day can be massively beneficial. Plus, it’s a great way to involve the whole family if they’re up for it.
Rope Others In
An easier way to push you to move more is to get others on your side and involved with you. It might be that your friend encourages you to walk while you are having your daily catch-up, or they join you for a quick walk around the neighborhood. You can get your family involved in a quick, crazy 10-minute energy releasing session to get moving, or they can join you for a walk. Whatever works for you, get someone else involved to help push you and keep you on the right track to hit those goals and keep moving.
There isn’t one way to get fit and healthy. There are so many ways to incorporate small activities to boost your overall health and well-being, and adding a small burst of physical exercise will never be a wasted endeavor.