Find Prenatal Classes Beyond Lamaze

Find Prenatal Classes Beyond Lamaze

- in Health


Today’s prenatal education goes way beyond traditional Lamaze class. Northeast Ohio hospitals offer many options for learning about childbirth, labor techniques, breastfeeding and baby care. Below are some of the more unique classes to get everyone in the family ready for baby’s arrival.


Akron General’s ( Boot Camp for New Dads is taught by veteran dads who bring along their own babies for real-life instruction. The course covers everything from diaper changes and comforting fussy newborns to communicating with partners, dealing with in-laws and searching for child care.


Cleveland Clinic’s ( Dancing for Birth sessions are designed to help moms-to-be become both mentally and physically prepared to embrace the birth experience. Classes include relaxation, dance moves from around the world, positions for labor, birth wisdom and much more.


Lake Health ( offers a prenatal breastfeeding class. The three-hour class, which is offered once a month, provides helpful information and practical feeding techniques. Topics include: benefits, breast care, nursing techniques and positioning, tips on returning to work or school and how to pump and store breast milk.

MetroHealth ( offers a sibling class that helps children ages 2 to 10 understand the important role they will play in the family when their newborn brother or sister is born. The course includes information on easing a child’s adjustment to life with a new baby, in addition to teaching kids how to gently hold and safely interact with a baby.


Southwest General’s ( Infant Massage and Happiest Baby on the Block hands-on course is taught using a baby doll, or real baby if he or she is already born. The class covers how to calm and soothe a baby using the “Happiest Baby on the Block” techniques, infant massage techniques for infants and children through preschool age, and the latest information on SIDS prevention and “Back to Sleep.” Participants receive a Happiest Baby on the Block video and a Soothing Sounds CD, as well as detailed infant massage instructions.


Summa Health System ( offers a dedicated class for first-time grandparents, who may be asked to assist in the care of their grandchildren. The class covers the basics of diapering, bathing, the benefits of breastfeeding and safe sleep, as well as a review of some of the latest and greatest baby care items available.


University Hospitals ( offers Going Green – Pregnancy, Birth & Beyond, a course that helps expecting parents create an environmentally-friendly household. Topics include nursery and baby items such as clothing and care products, baby’s nutrition, public places, and other resources.




About the author

Denise Koeth is Digital Content Manager for Northeast Ohio Parent. She oversees content on the website and manages the brand’s social media activity. Denise grew up in Northeast Ohio and she and her husband are currently raising their two boys here.

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