Local Personal Trainer Becomes Certified Pre/Post Natal Coach with ‘Girls Gone Strong’

Local Personal Trainer Becomes Certified Pre/Post Natal Coach with ‘Girls Gone Strong’

Laura Thomas, CPT-ACE, CPPC, owner of Thomas Fitness Consulting, has become certified as a pre-, peri-, postnatal exercise coach through Girls Gone Strong’s Coaching and Training Women Academy. According to the Girls Gone Strong online coach directory, Thomas is currently the only personal trainer in Ohio to have obtained the Girls Gone Strong Certified Pre/Postnatal Coaching (CPPC) certification.

“Many of my friends and acquaintances are having children and they have expressed receiving a lot of conflicting information from doctors and birth experts,” Thomas says. “I believe each woman’s pregnancy should be cared for on a case by case basis. The Girls Gone Strong training has shown me how to safely design a workout for a woman who is pre-, peri- or postnatal. It also covers anatomy, mental health and nutritional coaching, to go along with the workout.”

Girls Gone Strong is a global movement that aims to empower anyone who identifies as a woman to embrace all that’s possible for their life and for their body. They provide the tools and support for lasting change through body-positive, evidence-based, sustainable nutrition, training, and self-care information by combining the latest research with decades of experience working with women in the real world to offer solutions that help women reach their goals in a realistic, sustainable, and compassionate way.

“I wanted to obtain a designation that was internationally recognized, but also evidence-based and interdisciplinary,” Thomas says. “Sixteen world-class women’s health professionals developed the CPPC. These women include pelvic health physiotherapists, OB/GYNs, psychologists, doulas, pre- and postnatal experts and women with PhDs in disciplines such as psychology, exercise science and molecular biology.”

Thomas’s ultimate goal with the certification is to partner with other local birthing experts who also see a need to inform women about their health, and the decisions they have in birthing and beyond. She has already started networking with local BIRTHFIT representatives, chiropractors, doulas, lactation consultants, physical therapists and mental health experts. Starting in January, Thomas will begin hosting classes at the Cleveland Clinic Wellness Center in Rocky River on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons.

Thomas also is at Cleveland Fitness Revolution locations in Westlake and Broadview Heights, where she has more morning and evening availability.  

“Cleveland is a close knit community. If we can educate women and encourage them to have autonomy in their journey into motherhood, I think it will bring them confidence, both as mothers, and when contributing to our community,” Thomas says.

For more information, visit thomasfitnessconsulting.com or email [email protected]

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