The Mess We Don’t See: Common Buildup Areas In The Home You Should Know About

The Mess We Don’t See: Common Buildup Areas In The Home You Should Know About

A messy home is usually a homeowner’s nightmare. More so than having to deal with subsidence one day, and more so than the idea that a storm might rip the roof off. These are things that may happen, whereas mess is a thing you know you can’t stop happening! And if too much of it builds up, you could lose a whole weekend to trying to organize things again. 

And even worse, there could be buildups occurring in places you can’t see. This is a simple fact of living in a home; dirt, dust, and grime gets into everything. If the buildup gets to be too bad, it could even start to stink the house out, or trigger hay fever and sneezing fits. 

Because of that, we’re here to note a few common buildup areas you should get round to tackling. Thankfully these buildups take time to renew, so once you’re done fighting them now, you won’t have to do so again for a while. 

Under and Behind Kitchen Appliances

How often do you pull out the fridge or the washing machine to clean underneath and behind them? Very few people do so on a regular basis – once a year maybe, but definitely not once every other month. 

And that’s really the kind of schedule a clean up like this needs. If you have kids and/or pets, doubly so! Get out all the dust and dropped food and any toys that have rolled under there, and be sure to give the hidden sides of your appliances a good wipe down. 

All Through the Plumbing

Plumbing issues are costly and bring your entire household to a halt. Whether the toilet is blocked or the sink is backing up, the idea that your pipes are holding a blockage in them can haunt many a homeowner’s dreams. 

And the most common cause of pipe blockages? Limescale deposits. That’s why a whole-home salt-free water conditioner is such a useful bit of kit within the home. If your water is already being pumped to destroy scale before it can really latch on, you’ll have little to no blockages in the works getting ready to ruin your day. 

Wall Bases

The bases of the walls in a home look clean from afar, but if you get up close, you’ll notice that a lot of dust has started to collect. It’ll be clinging to the wall and could do with a good vacuuming! 

You’ll also notice that the board that joins the wall to the floor is covered in the same kind of dust, and that’ll need a good wipe down too. You may even want to get some sugar soap in the house, if you find there are strange dirty marks on these areas of the wall. Scrub them off with this hardy soap and you’ll be good to go. 

Hidden mess buildups are troubling, but tackle them every so often and your home will feel a lot lighter and cleaner.

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