One out of three kids between the ages of 6 and 17 needs corrective lenses, and an increasing number of them wear contacts. While there is no right age to make the transition from glasses to contacts, there are several factors to look for in order to determine if your child is ready for the switch. ...
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Mary Ann Lieser
Mary Ann Lieser Posts
Thumb sucking is a form of self-soothing that can help a child cope with stressful situations and feel secure and happy. However, parents should be concerned about thumb sucking if the behavior continues beyond a child’s fifth birthday. Find expert advice and ways to help your child break the habit. ...
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Baby-sitting has been a favorite first job of teens for generations, but being entrusted with the care of younger children is a huge responsibility. The right age to start varies, depending on the sitter’s maturity level and the ages and needs of the children being watched. Find out if your tween or teen is ready for the role. ...
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