6 Back-to-School Traditions you Should Still do This Year

6 Back-to-School Traditions you Should Still do This Year

It is without a doubt that the back-to-school transition will look a lot different this year. Parents are still sorting out what school will look like for their kids and which school options are best. The one thing we do know is that kids will be starting school! 

Whether your family takes the virtual route or the in-person option (or maybe there isn’t even a choice to be made!), now is the time to prepare for the first day of school!

Normally, the back-to-school transition is filled with a lot of excitement. Many kids love to pick out school supplies and decide on a first day of school outfit.

It would be easy to dismiss all the usual back-to-school traditions this year. Who could blame parents? Things are not normal right now!

One thing we can do for our kids to ease the first day of school jitters is to provide a sense of normalcy. Forgoing back-to-school traditions would be like not putting up a Christmas tree at the holidays for the children!

So, what back-to-school traditions can you provide for your kids?

  • Shop for School Supplies: Whether you plan to homeschool, send the kids to in-person classes or a mixture of both, your kids will still need supplies. Be sure to buy school supplies early this year, as products may be limited and you will want to beat the last-minute shopping crowds!
  • Start an Early Bedtime Routine: Do not wait until the end of summer to establish school bedtimes! If the kids have been staying up later all summer, you will want to ease them into earlier bedtimes a week or two prior to when school is starting.
  • Pick Out School Snacks: Kids are always excited to pick out their own favorite snacks. You can stock up on school snacks ahead of time so that you are sure to have a stocked pantry for after-school snacking.
  • Have a Back-to-School Dinner: Celebrate the start of the school year with a special family dinner! Talk about everyone’s goals and dreams for the new school year. Pick out the kids’ favorite meal and be sure to have a fun dessert.
  • Select a First Day of School Outfit: This is the one day of the school year that you might be able to get your kids to “dress up.” It is fun for kids to plan their first day of school outfits.
  • Take a Picture on the First Day: Do not overlook documenting this important moment! You will want to look back at all those first day of school pictures someday.

Many parents are feeling anxious and overwhelmed about first day of school plans. So, we can only imagine what the kids are feeling about school. Make things a little lighter and upbeat when you focus on the fun aspects about going back to school!

If you are looking for some additional tips, read this post on 20 Back-to-School Organization Ideas for Moms.

About the author

Jaclyn Musselman lives in Rocky River, Ohio. She is a mom of three and has been married to her college sweetheart for 15 years. She blogs about family activities and traditions, home decor and favorite finds at www.coffeepancakesanddreams.com.

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