Today, I Cried

Today, I Cried

I am not a crier. I like to laugh and be happy. My usual response to most things whether happy, sad, mad, etc. is to crack a joke and laugh. No, I do not want to know what that means about me.

For the past seven weeks, I have been part Julie, activities director from “The Love Boat” (yes, I am older than I look), and part Rachael Ray, Maria Montessori, Phil Jackson, Joanna Gaines, Martha Stewart and Milton Bradley.

I have told my kids and believed it that we need to have an attitude of gratitude and we are very fortunate and healthy, etc. I have cheered up my kids and told my daughter that it is going to be OK and her senior year will be OK and she will have a tennis season and all of the events she missed this year. I told her that the summer will be good and we will make up for all of the school and church trips she had to miss.

I told my son that he will be able to run track next spring and soccer will start again.

I have told my youngest that she will be able to play in that basketball tournament next year and that she will have another dance competition and recital.

I have told them all that they will see their family and friends soon. I have told myself that I will be able to see my family and friends soon.

I have made them understand that these are “first world problems,” as we say often in our house. I let them be disappointed. That is Ok and normal. They know it is what you do with that disappointment that counts.

I have been trying to make our house a fun place to be and I have really enjoyed all of the time with my kids, the family dinners, and the fun we have had despite the negatives.

Today was different. Today, I cried. Today I received an email from school stating that next year, if the students go back to school, there may be some significant changes. The students could go back, but only a couple of days a week. They could have to wear masks, stay apart, etc. This really hit me because I thought of what my kids — all the kids — would be missing out on. My daughter will be a senior and that is her last chance to participate in those memories. I read that email and sat down and cried.

I had to go back to what I have been telling my kids: what am I going to do with these feelings? Share them, sure. Feel them, sure. Take a day, sure. Let them consume me? No. Let them control me? No. Let them make my mind get ahead of the situation? No.

I will continue to channel my inner roles as stated earlier and we will enjoy the summer and we will be grateful for what we do have and focus on all that we do get to do. There are many people who would love to have to reschedule a Disney trip and to have their biggest concern be whether or not they have to wear a mask or will be able to participate in an activity. Even if today you cried, tomorrow will be a new day. Focus on gratefulness and model that for your kids. Let them know it’s OK to be disappointed and sad, but then to focus on what they do have and the good things. If you really think about them, I bet there are a lot!

About the author

Miriam Conner is the host of Northeast Ohio Parent’s popular podcast, “aParently Speaking.” She holds a master’s degree in education and has more than 24 years of experience teaching middle school, high school and post secondary. Miriam is a Northeast Ohio Native; she and her husband have three children. Her blog focuses on "real parenting in real life." Read more from Miriam at

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