Podcast # 100: Social Media Parental Notification Act

Podcast # 100: Social Media Parental Notification Act

- in Featured, Podcast

On the 100th episode of aParently Speaking, host Miriam Conner welcomes back Lt. Gov. of Ohio, Jon Husted. Husted discusses the Social Media Parental Notification Act. Listen to learn what this means for you and your children and why this is an important step in helping to safeguard your children online.

aParently Speaking is presented by Northeast Ohio Parent and sponsored by Mazda of Kent.

Interested in being part of a parent panel? Email Miriam at [email protected]

About the author

Miriam Conner is the host of Northeast Ohio Parent’s popular podcast, “aParently Speaking.” She holds a master’s degree in education and has more than 24 years of experience teaching middle school, high school and post secondary. Miriam is a Northeast Ohio Native; she and her husband have three children. Her blog focuses on "real parenting in real life." Read more from Miriam at letsgetrealparents.com

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