Podcast #91: Rethinking Your Teenager

Podcast #91: Rethinking Your Teenager

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On the latest episode of apparently Speaking, host, Miriam Conner is joined by child and adolescent family therapist, Darby Fox to discuss her book, Rethinking Your Teenager: Shifting form Control and Conflict to Structure and Nurture to Raise Accountable Young Adults.

Fox offers a model for the parent-child relationship, encouraging parents to let go of the attempt to control their teenager and focus instead on creating mutual respect, providing structure and nurture, and encouraging independence in their developing teenager. She walks through the keys to combining structure and nurture and teaches every parent how to connect with their teen while holding them accountable for their behavior.

Listen as she discusses how if parents approach teen years with the same thoughtful preparation, sense of awe and wonder, and responsibility that they do the early childhood years, it can be an enjoyable and rewarding developmental stage that deepens, rather than damages, parent-child relationships.

aParently Speaking is presented by Northeast Ohio Parent and sponsored by Mazda of Kent.

Interested in being part of a parent panel? Email Miriam at [email protected] 

About the author

Miriam Conner is the host of Northeast Ohio Parent’s popular podcast, “aParently Speaking.” She holds a master’s degree in education and has more than 24 years of experience teaching middle school, high school and post secondary. Miriam is a Northeast Ohio Native; she and her husband have three children. Her blog focuses on "real parenting in real life." Read more from Miriam at letsgetrealparents.com

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