Beachwood Opens New Playground

Beachwood Opens New Playground

Just in time for summer, the City of Beachwood has opened a brand-new playground on Fairmount Blvd., next to the Beachwood Family Aquatic Center.

The expansive play space includes modern features for all ages and abilities including climbing structures, slides, interactive play features, musical elements, sand box, swings, zip line and more.

The fenced in area has turf and rubberized surfacing, lots of shaded areas, picnic tables, park benches, a pavilion and restroom.

“We are delighted to introduce this playground to our community,” says Beachwood Mayor Justin Berns. “Our goal was to provide a space where children can be creative, develop their motor skills, and simply have fun outdoors.”

The playground is located at 25125 Fairmount Blvd., Beachwood.

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