While it's true teens are fairly independent, it’s important for parents to know that there are many things their teens will need from them as they approach their college process — though it may not be the kind of help you’d assume. ...
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Kristina Dooley
Kristina Dooley Posts
Jazz Band! Volleyball! Student Council! Grill Club! Today’s teens are shuffling from one after school activity to the next, hoping that their involvement in an array of clubs, organizations and sports teams will make them more attractive candidates in the college application process. What actually makes an applicant stand out? ...
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Summer is here and it’s time to shed that backpack and officially put all things academic aside, right? Not just yet. For rising juniors and seniors, this is actually a great time to focus on preparing for fall ACT and SAT exams. The first ACT and SAT exams for 2016-17 are given soon after the start of the school year, so students should take advantage of this time without other academic obligations to focus on test preparation. ...
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