Spring and summer bring warmer weather and plenty of reasons to throw the perfect party. Jen Picciano, newscaster for Cleveland 19 News and Northeast Ohio native, shares tips for effortless entertaining and a lineup of recipes that will keep both kids and adults coming back for seconds. ...
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Tricia Chaves
Tricia Chaves Posts
Having your hands full after your baby is born is an understatement. Babywearing can become a next best solution to any parent. It can be helpful so mothers can nurse on the go and nurture a child’s craving for closeness anytime — even while multitasking. Learn about the benefits of babywearing, the types of slings, wraps and carriers available, and where to turn for more information. ...
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In what seems like the blink of an eye, tots become teenagers. Though some may be unwilling, parents now have to embrace their child’s new stage of development — teen dating. However, it doesn’t have to be a nail-biting experience for mom and dad when approached with curiosity and candid conversation. ...
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There’s no such thing as a one size fits all education, and many kids require modifications to the general curriculum to have success in school. As a parent, you have an integral role in guiding the vision statement to establish an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) that delivers the most appropriate educational program in the least restrictive environment and defines your child’s educational goals and objectives. Here are some tips and information to help families navigate the process. ...
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