Looking for some great reads for your kids? Check out our ongoing list of books recommended by local libraries, Northeast Ohio Parent editors and area parents. Be sure to check out the local author spotlight and seasonal reads added this month! ...
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August 2020
Many Northeast Ohio schools have unveiled reopening plans that include some form of remote learning due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Some students are starting their first few weeks online, while others are returning to a hybrid in-person and online curriculum. With school almost here in this new environment, a local expert shares how parents can create an at-home, kid-friendly learning space. ...
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Being pregnant induces a whole new set of worries for moms-to-be, and adding a global pandemic to the mix can be even more overwhelming. The spread of COVID-19 raises many concerns for pregnant women, such as how it could affect the health of mom and baby and how it may change your labor and delivery experience. ...
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Children and adults learn differently, obtain information differently and communicate differently. The arts can help people bridge those communication gaps. They also help children understand themselves better, express their creativity, and foster a love of learning, among other benefits. ...
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This month, we reveal the winners and finalists in our fifth annual Parent Choice Awards. We also focus on family-friendly local restaurants, experiences in the arts, and education topics like easing back-to-school anxiety, preparing for online learning, and everyday ways to teach and have fun with your baby. ...
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